Making pizzas before we start presents...

Eating homemade pizza!

Ben's not so surprise, annual hoodie with the kids' pictures on it...
Usually we give the kids pjs & slippers for Christmas, but this year they didn't need pjs so we did housecoats instead...they were thrilled!

The kids wanted to buy gifts for each other this year so we decided to give them each $5 to spend on each other. They were just as excited about those little gifts as ours! It was so fun to see them so excited to give to each other!
Manda gave Benjamin trading cards for his webkinz...
Kirby gave Manda a craft kit....she LOVES crafts!

Benjamin gave Kirby a car from the "Cars" movie...he loved it!

Kirby gave Benjamin a dart gun...once Ben had it set up for Benjamin to use Kirby proceeded to say, "I wish I had one of those!"...

So when Kirby opened his dart gun from Amanda he was thrilled:)...

Benjamin was soooooo excited to give Manda her gift. He had taken the $5 we gave him to spend on her & spent $10 out of his own spending money because he really wanted to get her a webkinz. He had gotten one for his birthday & loved it & he knew she really wanted one....she was THRILLED when she opened it! It was so fun to see Benjamin understand the joy of giving!

All the kids wanted to spend their own money to buy Daddy something he really wanted...Ben was pretty surprised & they were tickled pink...I was proud:)

Just a few random shots...Kirby was super excited about his Nemo storybook...

Manda loved her "princess tent" (that I found for dirt cheap at Value Village I might add:))...

Benjamin was excited about his hot wheels race track.

They were tuckered out by the end of the night though & enjoyed sleeping with their new "friends" (the giant stuffed animals) & quilts they got from Mommy & Daddy.